At Banstead Prep, part of our carbon neutral plan is to embed behaviours within our community which reduce our impact on the planet and work towards living more sustainably. This term, our student leadership group – including our eco-leaders and school council – have been active in taking steps towards this and improving energy resources across the school.
Here’s what the children say:
At the beginning of the project, our leaders met with the site team to discuss areas the school could improve on, such as turning off lights and whiteboards, or improving how we recycle our waste.
After an assembly to inform the children and teachers about energy consumption and waste at school, Pupil Parliament met to see what they could do to help. They voted to introduce new recycling bins which we now have in three outdoor areas around the school. These will encourage all of us to recycle more food and other materials.
The faces on the recycling bins help us to understand what each bin is – A ‘happy’ face is for waste that can be recycled; An ‘unhappy’ face is for waste which cannot be recycled.
Our further challenge to the children was to try and bring in food and snacks that can be recycled and make our ‘happy’ bin fuller than our ‘unhappy’ bin… So far, we seem to be achieving our goal!
Mrs Clark, our Specialist Leader of Science, added, “Reducing waste is a key part of the circular economy with the added bonus that our new bins will also help protect wildlife in our biodiversity garden from litter or food which could harm them.”
Well done, to our Student Leadership Team and Pupil Parliament for helping our school become a greener place.