We look forward to welcoming you to our school soon, please see below for our events and other opportunities to visit.

You can also experience our Virtual Open Day, watch our video or view our 360° tour and we are always pleased to chat with you on the telephone if you have questions about any aspect of the school.

Events 2024

Personal Tours

We offer tours most days during term time.  Please contact Mrs Adrienne Forster, Head of Admissions to make an appointment, on 01737 363600 or email admissions@bansteadprep.com

Open Mornings

We look forward to welcoming visitors to our Open Mornings, showcasing the school on a normal working day.  You may arrive at 9.15am for a tour before the Headteacher’s welcome, or at 10.00am and take your tour after the presentation.  Dates for Autumn will be published in July.

Nursery, Pre-School and Reception Open House events

Drop in between 9.00 – 11.00am to visit our Nursery and Pre-School and Reception classrooms. Our Senior Leadership team and Early Years staff will be on hand to show you around and answer your questions whilst the children play and engage with learning activities.  Dates for Autum,n will be published in July.

To attend, contact Admissions or book online.

Reception 2024 Transition events

For children joining Reception September 2024, we have a series of events to help with the transition to school, where you can meet other families joining the school.  Teddy Bear Fun & Games Friday 17 May at 1.45pm and Move Up Morning Friday 21 June 8.45am.  Contact admissions to attend or for up to date availability on Reception places.

Reception Superhero Training

Superhero training events at Banstead Prep School are for children who would start school in September 2025.  You can meet our teachers, see our school, have fun with our Superhero training activities and find out how the children at Banstead Prep School develop their learning super powers everyday.  Dress as your favourite superhero or be your superhero self.  Next dates will be in September 2024 and will be published in July.

To attend an event, contact Admissions or book online.

Toddler Time

These free events are for children aged 1 – 3 to attend with a parent, with plenty of toys, games, and activities to enjoy with your child.  Led by Miss Compton, our Head of Early Years and Nursery Leader, Toddler Time is a great way to build familiarity with the school and our staff for children who may join the Nursery or Reception, and for parents to find out more about Banstead Prep in an informal setting. Upcoming dates:

Friday 14 June 9.30 – 11.00am

To come to Toddler Time, contact Admissions or book online.  We are sorry that we are unable to offer full tours of the school at these events.