
Banstead Prep School’s uniform supplier is Perry, all items can be ordered online from perryuniform.co.uk

You will need to register online to order uniform items, please click here to create a new account or login.

If you have any questions about uniform, please contact the School Office.

Please make sure all items of uniform and personal belongings are clearly and securely labelled with your child’s name.

We recommend Stikins – multipurpose name labels that simply stick onto all school items including clothes and shoes. Banstead Prep School will receive 30% commission on all orders purchased using the link below or quoting our unique school number 35877

Book now for Open Morning

Visit us on a normal working day, tour the school and hear from Headteacher Jon Chesworth on our vision for Banstead Prep. Click the button to book for the next event on Thursday 26 September or to see alternative dates.

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