
Our curriculum goes far beyond what most prep schools are able to offer. Our exceptional facilities, dedicated staff and specialist subject teachers enable us to go above and beyond, to consistently offer our children that little bit more.


Children in Reception continue to follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.

Watch the video to see a typical day of learning for Reception children at Banstead Prep.

Click this link to read more about the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum


Our children will develop into confident, articulate users of language, both in spoken and written form, as well as skilled readers and listeners. We provide an enjoyable, stimulating, engaging curriculum that ensures coverage of National Curriculum requirements, while also extending beyond this to ensure the children are well-prepared for senior school entrance examinations, and more importantly, life beyond the school gates.

Lessons draw on many different resources – including interactive on-line materials, film and games – to make them engaging and offer variety. Our children learn to write in a variety of different genres and for different purposes and we encourage them to enter competitions such as the United Learning StorySlam Competition.

At Banstead Prep we believe in getting it right from the beginning so the children are taught to write in a fluent, cursive style from the outset and we follow a structured phonics and spelling programme. Speaking and listening skills are vital and are developed through the English curriculum as well as in all other subjects, but are especially enhanced through our provision of Drama as a separate subject.

We believe that reading is a fundamental skill that underpins the wider curriculum beyond English. A love of reading is promoted from Nursery. Following on from a firm foundation in phonics in the EYFS and pre-prep, children are introduced to Accelerated Reader when they are ready as a way of providing a motivating framework for developing independent reading and comprehension.


Mathematics is all around us and at Banstead Prep we make Mathematics fun.

We use Mathematics to make sense of the world we live in and it teaches us strategies to tackle everyday life. Lessons are taught by Form Teachers up to Year 3 and by specialist teachers from Year 4 to Year 6.

Based upon the National Curriculum, our programme of study rests upon the understanding of core principles including, but not limited to, number and place value, the four key operations, properties of shape, measurement and statistics. In the younger years many lessons are practical in their nature to ensure the children have a solid understanding of basic concepts and can relate them to the world they understand.

As the children progress, teachers stretch and challenge into deeper understanding in preparation for senior school. Through engaging lessons and a thorough and broad curriculum based on the concept of mastery, children will truly get to grips with the core principles of Mathematics, both literally, as well as in their academic understanding.


Our academically rigorous and actively hands-on approach not only equips every child at Banstead Prep with scientific knowledge and skills but also ignites a passion for discovery and nurtures curious minds.

Our science curriculum, whilst crafted to follow the National Curriculum, delves deeper into areas relevant to modern life such as sustainability and biodiversity. Expert instruction is ensured at every stage through the collaboration of the Science Leader with form teachers until Year 3, when children are subsequently taught by specialist teachers.

We are incredibly fortunate to boast a STEM department with a fully equipped lab which enables children to develop their practical skills and provides a firm foundation for secondary school. These fantastic facilities combined with extensive outdoor areas, allow pupils to extend their scientific understanding and go beyond traditional areas of science to explore such topics as horticulture and fitness.

Art & Design

Art and Design at Banstead Prep School aims to be exciting, inspiring and rewarding. The curriculum is experimental, inclusive and inspiring for children, building creative confidence and fostering a love of art.

We believe in creativity across the curriculum; Art and Design is not just confined to our well-equipped, designated Art Studio. Children also benefit from excellent STEM facilities, including our STEM lab, in which design and engineering challenges take place.

A variety of art and creative clubs are available to children of all ages, throughout the school. We also run an Advanced Art Club for potential art scholars and those wishing to further develop their skills.


In such a rapidly evolving world we feel that it is vital to expose children to the latest technology both in our designated computing lessons and across the curriculum.

Our weekly computing lessons equip pupils with skills to use technology both effectively and responsibly. Online safety is paramount and is embedded in both Computing and the wider curriculum. Lessons are taught by Form Teachers up to Year 3 and by a specialist teacher from Year 4 and incorporates the use of both iPads and PCs in our computer suite. Children learn a variety of skills such as coding, developing apps, creating spreadsheets and editing their own films and soundtracks.

Given technology is all around us we embrace opportunities to enhance our learning. We have taken part in trips to the Apple Store to programme robots and linked up with other schools virtually to promote awareness on Internet Safety Day.


Being confident to communicate with others is one of the most important skills we can foster in children at school.

At Banstead Prep, Drama is taught from Reception to Year 6 by our specialist drama teacher. Pupils have lessons in our dedicated drama studio, which is well equipped with costumes, props and stage lighting. The curriculum covers speaking and listening, choral speaking, public speaking and performance skills. All children across the school have the opportunity to perform in a variety of performances and shows in front of an audience on the stage in our school hall, as well as other venues such as the local church.

Food Technology

Food Technology is taught across the school in a purpose built space containing eight mini kitchens.

In Nursery and Reception, Food Technology is taught by the class teacher and links with the topics being studied. From Year 1 onwards, the children are taught by a specialist teacher and cook a variety of dishes developing life skills and fostering an awareness of different food groups.

In Years 3 to 6 the children cook for half a term each term as part of our Life Skills curriculum providing opportunities to use skills, such as measuring, problem solving and reasoning in a practical context. These lessons teach children basic food science, kitchen safety, hygiene and healthy eating. From Year 3 onwards, ingredients are provided from home to allow for personal and family taste and dietary preferences.


The Humanities curriculum at Banstead Prep inspires curiosity about the world, both in the past and the present.

Lessons are designed to be very hands on and practical, making use of a wide range of appropriate resources and technology thereby encouraging children to practise a variety of key skills such as research, team work and problem solving. Children are taught in half termly topic blocks by their Form Teachers up to Year 3 and by specialist teachers Year 4.


Learning languages at Banstead Prep is all about nurturing a life-long passion for words and communication, through listening, speaking, reading, writing and playing.

Throughout their years here, children will encounter French, Spanish, German, Latin and Ancient Greek, with French being the language that is taught intensively throughout the school.  From Year 3 onwards, children have the benefit of being taught in our Languages room, by a language specialist, surrounded by linguistic prompts and useful resources.

Thanks to our active and lively approach, all children, including those with SEN, thrive in the languages classroom.  Theatre workshops and language days form a regular part of our curriculum, as do celebrations of French and Spanish traditions and festivals and an understanding of the culture. Technology is frequently used to reinforce and consolidate language.  Children are encouraged to listen, to communicate and to infer meaning, but above all, to have fun at all times!

The languages department is housed in our dedicated classroom, where the children are surrounded by the appropriate resources, prompts and authentic material to maximise their learning.

Learning Support and Additional Educational Needs

At BPS all of our pupils receive excellent, targeted teaching. Teachers have high expectations of the children and understand the next steps they need to take in order to progress.Lessons are adapted and differentiated to allow for the different learning needs of children.

English and Maths lessons are supported by an extra adult and all pre-prep classes have a Teaching assistant.

If your child is not making expected progress then small group support from an experienced TA or the school SENCO is available.

We have a trained ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) and a nurture room at lunchtimes.

We can also offer SALT (Speech and Language Therapy), a Dyslexia Specialist teacher, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Clinical and Educational Psychologists although these 1:1 sessions are charged to the parents.

Life Skills

We have developed a unique Life Skills curriculum, which teaches children valuable transferable skills and knowledge, helping them develop the skills needed to succeed in life, whether that be at school today, at secondary school, university, or their future career.

Children will develop a range of practical and conceptual skills across a range of disciplines, embedding learning from other subjects in fun, practical, real-life lessons. These are closely linked to our Learner Powers (listed below) and will cover things such as:

  • Learner Powers (Collaboration, Leadership, Communication, Adaptability, Independence, Curiosity, Resilience and Pride)
  • Study skills – Y6 Interview preparation (inc. exam and revision techniques)
  • Money skills lessons and Enterprise projects
  • A range of design and making tasks, targeting the Learner Powers and creating coaching opportunities.
  • First Aid Basics
  • Debating
  • Cookery, food and nutrition
  • And much more…


Our spacious, well-equipped music teaching classroom and four music practice rooms provide a thriving hub in which our pupils can celebrate and nurture their musical talents.

All of the children, from Nursery to Year 6, enjoy one hour of classroom music teaching per week. Lessons are practical, include the use of music technology, and explore music from many genres and styles.

Every child has the opportunity to develop their performing, composing and listening skills, additionally, many cross- curricular links are made to encompass Dance and Drama. Music is a central part of our co-curricular timetable, pupils are actively encouraged to join one or more of our diverse range of music ensembles and there are many performance opportunities throughout the school year. More than half of the children have individual instrumental lessons from our experienced team of peripatetic teachers.


Children’s personal development is at the core of all that we do at Banstead Prep.

We foster the personal, social and emotional skills needed to maximise both progress in learning and develop the resilience and perseverance needed to flourish in life beyond Prep school. We have a weekly lesson devoted to the PSHCEE curriculum, however, learning continues through our whole school ethos and our belief in a ‘growth mindset’.

Religious Studies

At Banstead Prep School we celebrate our diversity through a wide variety of whole school events, including welcoming visitors and parents into school to share different traditions.

Through weekly religious studies lessons, the children learn about a variety of world religions, fostering an environment of mutual respect and tolerance for other cultures and religions. Trips and visits enhance the curriculum and cross curricular links are made to other subjects.


We are very proud of our ‘sport for all’ approach at Banstead Prep.

Our impressive grounds and sports facilities, including a full sized all weather pitch, large sports hall, on-site swimming pool and professional dance studio, enable a varied sports curriculum and comprehensive co-curricular programme. Sport is a valued part of school life, with specialist taught weekly dance, swimming and PE lessons right from the Early Years and the addition of two afternoons of games lessons from Year 3. Every child in Years 3 to 6 is involved in our extensive weekly fixtures throughout the year in a variety of sports. The highlight for Years 5 and 6 is the opportunity to go on a Sports Tour to play other Prep schools and experience a range of activities.

Open Morning Thursday 27 February

Our next Open Morning on Thursday 27 February.  You can tour the school on a normal working day and Headteacher Jon Chesworth will share Banstead Prep’s ethos, and vision for the future.

Book a place online now