What a busy half term it has been in Science, and what better time to reflect on it than National Stem Day!

National Stem Day is observed on 8th November each year, originally created to encourage children to explore and pursue their interests in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. At Banstead Prep, our extensive facilities mean children have the opportunity to learn in fully equipped science and ICT laboratories, from specialist subject teachers.

Children from Year 3 to Year 6 have developed their scientific knowledge by investigating onion cells, experimenting with thermal conductivity, discovering our muscles and looking into the particle model of gases. Year 6 learnt how to use microscopes and applied chemical dyes to highlight the features of the cells. Daniel said: “I really liked how we got to see cells because we’re made of these too.”

Mrs Clark, our Head of Science, commented, “I have been so impressed with the children’s scientific skills. They have made predictions, set up investigations and used equipment including thermometers and measuring cylinders.  The BPS Curiosity Chimp has helped us delve into the fascinating world of invertebrates, as well as explore the many uses of metals and plastics – and we’ve only just started the year!”

Science at BPS is built around the key ethos of curiosity, with skills such as questioning, estimating, predicting, problem solving and real-world application all playing an integral part. The National Curriculum “Working Scientifically” skills are developed using a structural approach, with pupils gradually gaining the skills to independently design and carry out their own investigations by Year 6.

Our curriculum goes further still with the exploration of such things as magnetism in nursery, space in Reception and Sound in Year 1. Common misconceptions held at secondary level are addressed early at BPS, with particle theory in Year 4 and buoyancy and balanced forces in Year 5. High impact activities such as whole school STEM days have also allowed children to use skills from across the curriculum to problem solve.