Casting our minds back to the start of the year, September feels like a long time ago! But school years go by in the blink of an eye, and it is important to stop and reflect on everything we have achieved, because we sometimes underestimate just how much that is. Every child has progressed superbly along their own educational journey this year, ready now for their next challenge and as a school we have marked several milestones as we enjoy our final days in our 6th year. We have more children and families experiencing a BPS education than ever before and interest in joining the school, we are proud to say, is at an all-time high. I would like to thank all our families for their part in these highly significant achievements – how you feel and what you say about our school are the best possible endorsements we could have! 

They feel as familiar as our Lavendar logo but the animals that represent our learning superpowers only joined the school this year! As the product of hard work, curiosity and the imagination of our children, they have come to symbolise wonderfully the skills we all need to thrive in life. They represent our BPS commitment to linking those skills set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage at the start of formal education which match the skills identified by the World Economic Forum as the most sought in the professional workplace in the modern world. We connect these two stages of life and the skills required by developing and nurturing them explicitly and implicitly through all subjects and activities across our school. Deep learning and subject knowledge are enhanced by the development of these skills and so often our children are blissfully unaware of just how much they are learning – they are too busy having fun! 

We have worked hard to embed the language and meaning of these skills this year and are thrilled at how far we have all come in achieving this. Our children understand what it looks like to demonstrate these skills and are making superb connections across their learning when transferring them to different situations. We continue to explore how we track and assess the progress our children are making and want them to be fully aware of how and why they develop each of these skills even more next year. To help us do, this we launched our newest addition this week, Leo-our Proud Peacock. He represents the importance of taking pride in your work, celebrating your achievements and those of others. Our learning super power line up of Independence, Communication, Adaptability, Curiosity, Resilience, Collaboration, Leadership and Pride, enables our children to develop fundamental life skills and we are very proud of how far they have come this year.