On Monday afternoon, Year 5 stepped back in time to participate in an afternoon of Victorian school activities.

They were greeted by a rather more severe-looking Mr Tunnell and Miss Perry, before being separated into boys and girls to begin their lessons. After reciting the Lord’s prayer and then writing this from memory on a chalkboard (very tricky!) they were subjected to a uniform inspection. Mr Chesworth, the Headteacher, was not pleased to note that he couldn’t see his ‘beautiful’ face in Harry’s moderately shiny shoes and insisted that he must shine them before the end of the day!

Breaktime saw the boys and girls once again separated: girls skipped outside, and boys played pickup sticks and dominoes inside. This didn’t go down too well with our Year 5’s who were quick to point out the unfairness of the separation! Lessons commenced and the girls practised their needlework while the boys participated in a technical drawing session. While a fun afternoon was had by all, they ended with an excellent discussion about the different treatment of boys and girls and Year 5 all went away saying they preferred ‘modern’ school at Banstead!