Over the last few weeks, Devin (Year 2) and Logan (Reception) started a project as part of the NHS Wellness Box initiative (#nhswellnessbox).

They have designed about 20 special goody bags and decorated them with their own drawings and messages to be given to NHS staff. These bags have been filled with little pick-me-ups and include messages like ‘you are strong like a gorilla’ and ‘you are as busy and skilful as a bee’.

As the project became bigger, Devin and Logan involved some friends from Banstead Prep, Jasper in Reception, Raahul and Alex in Year 2 and Henry in Year 6, who have also written or drawn messages for the bags. The children have created a total of 50 bags which were delivered to St George’s Hospital last week by Devin and Logan’s Mum.

Well done Devin and Logan and all the children who have been involved!