Our termly parent coffee morning for parents of children who have additional educational needs was held this week.   The theme, as requested by parents, was organisation.  We see the tip of the iceberg, such as forgotten items, lost coats and disorganised behaviour.  It can frustrate us (as it is probably frustrating our children), but many children with additional needs find organisation hard- and I think most of us parents do too.

We looked at some ideas to support our children and our families:

  • A notice-board on the wall
  • A year planner on the notice-board
  • A diary/visual calendar  with a large page for each day
  • A kitchen timer
  • An A4 sheet with columns for each day
  • Post it notes can be useful
  • A set of stacking trays for papers
  • A concertina filing system
  • Colour-coded ring binders for each section of your course
  • Create to-do lists and checklists
  • Break down a task into manageable chunks or steps
  • Checklists with specific instructions and visual reminders can help children get started again if they get distracted

It was also great to have a discussion and look at resources available like the ‘Calmer, Easier, Happier Parenting‘ series of books.

Our next coffee morning, in the summer term will be looking at concentration –  and how we can help our children to focus.  We have invited an  ADHD Specialist to come and speak.  All parents are welcome at these events.