Milking goats, tasting snails, sampling frogs’ legs, playing Pétanque, attempting obstacle courses, visiting caves, cathedrals and cafés – what else could it be but Banstead Prep’s bi-annual trip to France? Forty-five Banstead Prep pupils from Years 5 and 6 and six teachers spent four nights in the beautiful surroundings of the Château de Warsy – a location so hidden away in the middle of nowhere that the nearest shop is fifteen minutes’ drive away!

The Château, run by Manor Adventure, hosts many of the activities on site. In addition, we opted to go out at least once a day to experience French culture and of course, to grasp the opportunity of practising some of the French learnt in the classroom. Among highlights for the staff was certainly the generosity of the chefs who would provide not only delicious meals but also baguettes and fromage on request and who would provide bespoke meals for children who were not sure of the French cuisine on their plate! The highlight for the children was, I am sure, spending time together and gaining independence in a safe but very new environment.

We received some delightful comments about the behaviour of the Banstead Prep children and kindness, adventure and the Spirit of BPS shone through in all of them.