Together at Christmas – Message from the Headteacher 12.12.24

Twas the last week of term and all through the school

No learning was happening, really nothing at all?

Adventures and fun wherever you look,

But barely a letter was put in a book!


On closer inspection it became plain to see,

That our children were growing quite fantastically,

I needed to know more and understand whether,

This was all happening by simply being together.


I looked high and low and soon I could see,

It all started off with a large Christmas tree.

The children all gathered together as one,

With snowflakes falling, BPS Christmas begun!


Our Nursery and Early years turned the first page,

With songs and a nativity gracing the stage.

The choir sang proudly to public delight,

Together in the community to sing silent night.


Happiness and chaos surrounded our site,

Laughter and joy and festive delight.

Bonding and sharing memories for life,

Making a childhood far from worry or strife.


The lights and the tinsel appeared overnight,

In every classroom a wonderful sight!

With gasps and delight the children all cheered,

It was clear that Christmas was finally here.


Cards and well wishes filled the post bin,

Sending kind words that come deep from within.

Our year 6 school leaders were soon on the task,

Of hand delivering to every class.


Our sports teams performed on grass, courts and pool,

Stunning results and effort from all!

Pulling together and lifting our teams,

Teamwork helping us live out our dreams.


As houses we gathered and sang Christmas songs,

Elves invaded with chaos and gongs!

Christmas jumpers and lunch, another great day,

And finally, the snow machine came out to play.


It really is my favourite toy –

Simple but magic at spreading great joy.

I’ll continue to pray and you never know

One day we might actually get some REAL snow!


We transformed this hall with festive delight,

Our BPSA creating a wonderful night.

Games, crafts and sweets and Santa was there,

Thanks for our wonderful Christmas Fair!


So BPS flourished and showed off our stuff,

School Inspectors descended and our grilling was tough!

They delighted in everything that we had done,

A brilliant School, together as one.


Our site team, teachers, support staff all know,

That by coming together we’ll put on the show.

Ensuring that joy and fun are still here,

At the end of a term that feels like a year!


Tomorrow we’ll celebrate all that we’ve done,

In a term where we showed that our learning is fun.

You never quite know what the future will bring,

So just sparkle and shine and let fun be our thing!


A thought as our term ends and we spend time away,

from the fun and friendship of our busy school days.

It’s ok to miss friends and the things that we do,

Know that we all will be missing you too!


Feeling together at Christmas when we are apart,

Can come from a thought or a gift from the heart.

Cherishing these will remind us that when

We come back together, the fun starts again.


So where was the learning and what was it for?

A BPS education is oh so much more!

Being part of a team and coming together,

Prepares us for life, for whatever the weather.


So my thanks go to everyone, you got it just right,

For playing your part in this wonderful night.

You reminded us all of the power of “WE” –

Together at Christmas is how it should be!

Open Morning Thursday 27 February

Our next Open Morning on Thursday 27 February.  You can tour the school on a normal working day and Headteacher Jon Chesworth will share Banstead Prep’s ethos, and vision for the future.

Book a place online now