Pastoral Care

Free to be ME

We put the children first in every decision we make in our school. Our Free to be ME ethos is the foundation, supported by the firm belief that happy children thrive.

BPS provides a safe, inclusive and inspiring place for our children to grow academically, socially and emotionally.

– from Parent Survey December 2023

Central to our success is our knowledge of the children as individuals, which enables us to pick up quickly on any difficulties and provide support where it’s needed.

We have a dedicated Head of Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Lead (Mrs Julie Windett) who oversees these areas and co-ordinates any special care needed for children.

All children have a Form Teacher who is their first point of contact every day. Their Form Teacher registers them each morning and afternoon, assists with general administration and organisation, supports the children if they have any personal or school difficulties or worries, and is also the first point of contact for parents. Each school phase (Pre-prep – Early Years and Years 1 & 2, Lower Prep – Year 3 & 4 and Upper Prep – Years 5 & 6) are headed by a phase leader, providing an additional level of support with any issues or concerns of welfare or behaviour.

Headteacher Jon Chesworth is a Mental Health First Aid trainer and most of our teachers and learning assistants are Mental Health First Aiders. Many of our Learning Assistants are ELSA trained (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants) and can offer specific support to children who need it.


We believe that behaviour is a language and our role as teachers is to explore what a child or their behaviour is telling us. We take the time to listen and discuss the root of any issues and help children to manage their reactions and articulate how they are feeling. We teach the children about emotional regulation and the importance of stepping away to manage challenging situations. Kindness and respect are two of our most important values and this includes how we manage behaviour.

House System and Rewards

Children in Reception to Year 6 belong to one of four school houses Ashdown, Dursley, Grappenhall and Helmsdale. A variety of house competitions run throughout the year including creative events and sports competitions. House points are awarded to promote effort and progress in academic work, improved performance and good behaviour. Children can also earn personal commendations, which are awarded for significant effort, achievement, or behaviour endeavour.


ISI Inspection November 2024

We are thrilled to share with you the report from our ISI Inspection in November 2024.  We are exceptionally proud of receiving a ‘significant strength, which sets Banstead Prep apart from other schools in the local area and places us in the top 10% of inspected schools.  

Click here for more information and to read the full report