Rosie soars to new heights in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Rosie’s opening night of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang went off at full throttle to a packed house at Epsom Playhouse, including a rather large number of BPS staff. Upon hearing that Rosie was taking part in the Leatherhead Operatic Society show, Mr Jeens got the teachers into gear and booked tickets (on a school night!). Knowing Rosie’s past form in recent dance competitions, it was no clutch decision and almost a dozen staff motored down to the theatre. We thoroughly enjoyed the show, the period costume, as well as the cracking ‘chokes’ that ensured nobody was running bored.

Rosie got the opportunity to audition for the show through her performing arts club, Stage Coach, and was so thrilled to hear she had landed a part in the Junior Ensemble.  She began attending rehearsals on a Sunday afternoon at the start of October, increasing to Tuesdays and Thursdays after school in the build up to opening night.  Rosie said, “It was really fun practicing the songs and dances for the show.  I didn’t feel nervous before going on stage because I had made friends with some of the other girls in the show during our rehearsals, so we were all feeling excited together”.

This was the first time Rosie had had the opportunity to perform in a show outside of Stage Coach and is already excited for the next time an audition comes along that may give her the chance to get back on the theatre stage. On the presence of so many of her teachers, Rosie said, “That made me really happy – I didn’t know so many of them were coming and they waited at the stage door after the show as a surprise – I couldn’t believe it!”

Mr Jeens commented, “Rosie’s dancing and singing was fantastic, showing excellent composure and quality on the stage – reassuring Mrs Dziedziela of the talent there is in Y5 in the tank for future BPS shows. We wish her the best for the rest of the run and look forward to our next outing to see a BPS student on the stage – we always have a ‘wheely’ good time!”


ISI Inspection November 2024

We are thrilled to share with you the report from our ISI Inspection in November 2024.  We are exceptionally proud of receiving a ‘significant strength, which sets Banstead Prep apart from other schools in the local area and places us in the top 10% of inspected schools.  

Click here for more information and to read the full report