Proud of the Old and the New – Message from the Headteacher 20.10.23

Goodness that went quickly! It feels like only yesterday we were arriving back at school and sharing stories of summer adventures. What is most remarkable is how much has happened and been achieved in this half term, that despite flying by in a blur is the longest of all half terms in the school year! The school theme for the year is Pride, celebrating who we are and what we do, and we reflect on so many moments about which, individually and collectively, we should feel proud. On the sporting and musical front, we are very proud of the achievements of all of the children and celebrated some notable moments in Football and Netball…I was very proud to show a prospective family around the school last week who had been to visit BPS as spectators for the opposition in a Netball match. The performance of the girls, the staff, the facilities and our parents were enough to make this family think “we might like to be on the opposite team here”. Thank you for that. School tours and open events give us lots of opportunities to share what we are all about at BPS and when we walk around the school and observe the quality of the work the children are doing, the progress they are making, how they are collaborating, the teaching and most importantly the relationships on show, it is very easy to feel proud.

I asked staff to share some of the things that have made them proud this half term (there are way too many to list them all here. This is just a selection)

“Reception for the amazing work in their books and great singing in assembly, Professor Pambos for his maths lessons, Euan for smashing his 8 times tables, Kaira for her brilliant video, Phillip for incredible progress, the conduct and happiness on display as our children walked to church this week for Harvest Festival, our Year 5 Netballers getting to the semifinals of Epsom Tournament, sports teams making 3 plate finals and winning 1, Year 2 for amazing swimming,  Miss Lewis for a great first half term @ BPS, Year 1 for their beautiful behaviour when out and about in Banstead and their amazing work in Science, Ibrahim’s incredible drawing of a turtle, Rohan for his beautiful manners, Sade for feeling so confident, the amazing donations the school has gathered for the food bank, Ethan in reception for his reading progress”

I am proud of all of our children and staff who are experiencing the old and the new this term. Our Year 6 cohort have risen to their leadership positions at the top of the school whilst navigating the challenges Year 6 brings.  It is a wonderful thing to witness how seriously they take the role, how they guide and support younger children and how their maturity shows in our conversations, their manners and their general presence around our school! Every child has in some way experienced something new since September. A new form, new teachers, new friendships, new subjects, new topics, new languages, new challenges and for many children their first ever half term here at BPS.  We are so immensely proud of how well you have all adapted and settled.

After all that everyone deserves a well-earned rest so take the next two weeks off! Have a happy and safe half term and we look forward to more moments of pride when we gather again.

Open Morning Thursday 27 February

Our next Open Morning on Thursday 27 February.  You can tour the school on a normal working day and Headteacher Jon Chesworth will share Banstead Prep’s ethos, and vision for the future.

Book a place online now