Happy New Year! It has been wonderful welcoming everyone back to school this week and hearing about the fun and adventures of the holidays. Whilst it already seems a distant memory, I wanted to say thank you and well done to everyone for the fantastic end of term festive events. It was a very busy but exciting end to the term and a lovely way to celebrate and come together as a school.
So, we look ahead to 2025 with excitement and lots to look forward to in school, with plenty of new challenges and opportunities. We’ve now received the final draft report from our recent ISI inspection and will be proud to share it with you, which should be in the next week or so. It is a wonderful record of how special our children are and the progress they all continue to make. The report accurately reflects our school and community and celebrates the aspects of BPS that are so important to us, with outstanding teaching and so many incredible opportunities which our children appreciate.
This new year will bring change for many of us including our Year 6 children, who are entering the final chapter of senior school entrance events. Many of them have already received offers and the reality of the exciting and sometimes slightly daunting next steps will feel very real in the coming weeks. I felt very proud when talking to so many senior school head teachers as part of this process, discussing our Year 6 children and how well they have presented and conducted themselves. BPS children consistently impress senior school staff with their confidence and empathy.
We are delighted to have Mrs Nunn back in school following her knee surgery and to have the opportunity to thank and celebrate with her before she begins her exciting new adventure of Headship after Easter. I have written separately to parents today with the details of Mrs Nunn’s successor and we look forward to welcoming Mrs Crook to BPS in due course.
There are several events coming up where parents and friends will have the opportunity to come in and see the school in action, but I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome anyone at any time to come and see us if you wish to. We aim to have an open-door approach to life here, so if you ever have a question, want to learn or see more about the school or have any concern, please know that you are welcome at any time to come in and speak to a member of the team, the School Office will help point you in the right direction of who would be the best person.
Wishing everyone a healthy and happy 2025.