There was even more magic than usual around the school last week as the children enjoyed a highly entertaining magic show from Mr Hiccup. This was another fantastic event organised by our BPSA and we continue to be incredibly grateful for the time and effort taken to arrange events like this, which the children adore. Thank you to all the parents who helped and volunteered.
I mentioned last week that we were welcoming a team of colleagues from other United Learning schools, and the central team, to help us prepare for inspection by carrying out a deep review day. We are incredibly proud of our school and pleased to say that what they experienced was, in their own words, “magical”. They interviewed a large number of children from all year groups and asked them about their favourite subjects, feelings about different aspects of school life and what they were proud of. They were wonderful ambassadors as always for our school and as our visitors went around watching a variety lessons, they were greeted everywhere they went by happy, excited and very proud children keen to share what they were doing, or simply to ask “What’s your name?”
These were some of the comments from our feedback summary:
“Inclusive and supportive culture”
“A quiet, calm and purposeful buzz”
“Children were polite, articulate and beautifully mannered”
“Staff and pupils were proud and positive”
“Great communicators who were really keen to engage and show what they were proud of”
“Really evident that teachers know the children very well”
“Fantastic teaching and learning”
“Pupil progress was very impressive, data and tracking very detailed and informing teaching and learning”.
As always with these sorts of reviews we have highlighted areas we want to continue to improve and pleasingly they are aligned with our own observations of our school development.
This week also saw the school celebrate “Safer Internet Awareness” and Miss Perry and our brilliant Digital Leaders led the way in Monday’s assembly. Miss Perry had this to say:
“Helping our children learn how to be safe online is hugely important to us here at BPS. This week, the children participated in an assembly led by our fantastic team of Digital Leaders from Years 4, 5 and 6, focused on sharing their knowledge and experience of how to stay safe online. The poise and confidence the Digital Leaders demonstrated as they spoke to the school really shone and showed just how well-prepared they are becoming for life in this ever-changing digital world in which we live.”
Alongside the assembly, our younger children participated in workshops focused on how to spot and be aware of changes they may see online, and our older children explored a resource called ‘Interland’. This resource, produced by Google, also includes some fantastic parent resources which you can find here
Well done for coping with the weather this week – and a rather unwelcome fire alarm drill at drop off this morning; that’s one scenario we can tick off and the children were brilliantly calm and adaptable. Safe travels to Year 6 on their Sports Tour and Happy St David’s Day!