Fun Ideas for Developing Memory 22.11.24

Memory is like a big treasure chest where we keep all the things we learn and experience. Sometimes we need to strengthen that treasure chest so it’s easier to find the things we want to remember. Here are some fun ideas you can use to help improve your memory!

1. Memory Games

Playing games can be a great way to make your memory stronger! Here are a couple of games you might enjoy:

  • Memory Card Game: Create a set of cards with pairs of pictures or words. Shuffle them all and place them face down. Take turns flipping two cards to try to find a pair. If you find one, you keep it! This game will help you sharpen your recall skills.
  • I Went to the Market: This is a fun storytelling game! The first player starts by saying, “I went to the market and bought a…” and then names an item. The next player has to repeat that and then add their own item. Keep going around the group, and everyone has to remember all the items mentioned. It’s a great way to practice remembering sequences!

2. Use Rhymes and Songs

Did you know that music can help you remember things? Cheeky rhymes and catchy songs can stick in your head much more easily than ordinary words!

  • Songs for Remembering: Try making up a silly song about things you need to remember, like the days of the week or your times tables. The sillier the song, the easier it can be to remember!
  • Rhyme Time: Create a rhyme for important facts. For example, “In every season, there’s a reason, to learn and grow, so let’s get going!” This little rhythm can help you recall valuable information.

3. Visual Aids and Mind Maps

Sometimes, seeing things can help us remember them better. Here’s how you can use pictures and drawings to enhance your memory:

  • Draw It Out: When learning something new, try drawing pictures that represent what you are learning. For example, if you’re studying the water cycle, draw a picture of the sun, clouds, and rain. This visual connection can help your brain remember the information better!
  • Mind Maps: Create a mind map, which looks like a spider web. Start with a big idea in the middle and then draw branches with smaller ideas. This can help you see how everything connects, making it easier to remember!

4. Repeat and Remind

Repetition is key! The more you practice something, the easier it will be to remember it. Here are two ways to do just that:

  • Flashcards: Write down words or facts on one side of a card, and the answers on the other. Review them regularly. This is like having a mini-test with yourself!
  • Teach Someone Else: One of the best ways to remember something is to teach it to someone else. Try explaining what you learned to a friend or even your pet! If you can teach it, you know you’ve remembered it well.

5. Stay Organised

Keeping things tidy can be a big help to your memory too! When everything is in its place, it can be easier to remember where to find things.

  • Use a Planner: Try using a planner or calendar to keep track of important dates and tasks. Writing things down can help your brain remember them too!
  • Create Routines: Having a routine makes it easier to remember what to do every day. For example, if you always pack your school bag at the same time, you’ll be less likely to forget anything!

Remember that developing your memory takes practice. Don’t be afraid to try out different strategies and find the ones that work best for you! By making it fun and engaging, you’ll soon be a memory master!

Written by Mrs Windett and the Wellbeing Leaders

Open Morning Thursday 27 February

Our next Open Morning on Thursday 27 February.  You can tour the school on a normal working day and Headteacher Jon Chesworth will share Banstead Prep’s ethos, and vision for the future.

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