Welcome to Banstead Prep

We are delighted to welcome you to our co-educational prep school and nursery for girls and boys aged 2-11.

Education with character is the ethos that sits at the very heart of our school and forms the core of what we believe. There’s more to a good education than learning – we work to develop our children’s characters, build their tenacity, foster courage and above all, inspire them to achieve excellence.

From the very youngest children in our nursery through to those preparing for senior school, Banstead Prep provides a stimulating and happy environment for learning.


Meet the Head
Meet the Head

Jon Chesworth BEd (Hons.)

School should be fun. Happy children flourish and happy children learn.  Our greatest responsibility as teachers and leaders is to create an environment where our children feel safe, valued and listened to. 

I don’t think I have ever  felt  prouder of being a teacher than right now.   The current challenges have brought school communities closer together than ever before and everyone is going above and beyond for the children and each other.  I have been incredibly impressed with everything the school has achieved this year, we have thrived in a year when it would be very easy to simply try and survive!  It is a great honour to lead a community  through this period of adversity. 

Banstead Prep offers an incredibly diverse curriculum and co-curricular programme, thanks to a talented and experienced staff team, subject specialist teaching and access to facilities, right from the Early Years, and has an ethos of instilling lifelong skills and promoting positive mental health.  These both create opportunities for children to be excited and truly engaged with their learning, which I believe leads naturally to excellent academic progress.

I look forward to welcoming you to Banstead Prep School so you can see for yourself how our children are inspired, work with others and enjoy learning, both in and out of the classroom.

Our ethos, aims and values
Our ethos, aims and values

We’re a forward-thinking school, with the facilities to enable the broadest of opportunities as part of an engaging, innovative and exciting curriculum. This enables our children to be inspired, to work with others and to laugh and enjoy learning, to go on to their senior school of choice and take charge of their world.

We’re dedicated to providing children with a broad and varied curriculum, equipping them with skills for life, while helping each of them grow in character and be the best they can, every single day. We believe happy children learn best and confident children go far.

We demand the highest teaching standards from our staff, place welfare and wellbeing at the heart of all we do and achieve exceptional academic standards while providing outstanding pastoral care, so each child feels happy, safe, valued and respected.

Our vision is to be a school that constantly strives to change and to improve.

At Banstead Prep we are:

Compassionate – Adaptable – Tenacious – Courageous – Honest


It’s easy to get lost in our spacious grounds…

As well as on-site swimming and sports facilities, and a full-sized all-weather pitch, Banstead Prep has its own Forest School, numerous gardens and a well-inhabited pond.

Our impressive sports facilities also include a large sports hall with indoor cricket nets, grass pitches, an outdoor netball court, tennis courts, a professional dance studio and the use of Banstead Cricket Club for cricket fixtures.



Moving inside, we are able to offer senior school standard facilities with everything from science labs, art, music, dance and drama studios to dedicated food technology and computing rooms.

Our site layout ensures the transition between classes and Key Stages is as smooth as possible.

Sports for All
Sports for All

We are extremely proud of our Sport for All ethos. We believe every child should feel valued and benefit from what sport can offer, such as teamwork and resilience. Therefore, every child in Years 3 to 6 is involved in weekly fixtures throughout the year in a variety of sports. We also challenge the more able children through competitions and tournaments and nominate those individuals for county or regional trials.​

Our impressive grounds and sports facilities, including a full sized all weather pitch, large sports hall with indoor cricket nets, on-site swimming pool, grass pitches, outdoor netball court, tennis courts, professional dance studio and the use of Banstead Cricket Club for cricket fixtures enable a varied sports curriculum and comprehensive co-curricular programme. Sport is a valued part of school life, and all sport is taught by subject specialists who are all qualified with national governing bodies. The highlight for Years 5 and 6 is the opportunity to go on a Sports Tour to compete against other Prep schools and experience a range of activities.



The Banstead Prep Nursery offers our youngest children the opportunity to develop through play, helping them feel confident and safe while ensuring they’re given the best start to their time at school.

To encourage the most from children all the way through the school it’s vital that we get it right, right from the very start. Every child learns, progresses and succeeds in their own way, at their own pace.

By investing in our youngest children from the minute they join us and teaching them how to learn, we forge strong relationships and instil good habits, a ‘can do’ attitude and a love of learning they can take with them as they continue through the school. Nursery children benefit weekly from specialist teaching in Music, French and PE, and visit our Forest School.

Success encompasses everything we do; the foundations we create and then build upon in Nursery are crucial to our children’s later development personally, socially, physically and academically. With familiar staff and surroundings, and relationships already built, our Nursery children make a smooth, seamless transition to Reception.

We also know the time pressures many parents face and, with this in mind, we provide extremely flexible wraparound and sibling care.

Find out more about the Nursery

Prep School
Prep School

It goes without saying that Banstead Prep School has high academic expectations, but our curriculum goes far beyond what most prep schools are able to offer. Our exceptional facilities, dedicated staff and specialist subject teachers enable us to go above and beyond, to consistently offer our children that little bit more. We want exceeding your expectations to be the norm.

The pace of technological advances means the jobs many of our younger children will go into don’t even exist yet. With this in mind we believe it’s vital to equip every child with the adaptable, transferable skills, for whatever path they may take.


Specialist Teaching

Children from Reception to Year 2 have weekly specialist teaching in Music, PE, swimming, French, Drama and Food Technology (and Art from Year 1), and visit Forest School.  From Year 3 children receive additional sport and our Life Skills curriculum, which includes enterprise, study skills, textiles, food technology, PSHCEE and design technology. From Year 4, children progress to a fully developed specialist teaching programme, with a subject specialist teacher for every lesson.


Hidden curriculum
Hidden curriculum

At Banstead Prep we instil a growth mindset in all children, encouraging them to take a risk in their own learning and always ‘have a go’. This is just one of the many hidden areas of our curriculum. Alongside English, Maths, Science and Languages, the things you might expect to find, our Hidden Curriculum exists to equip every child with adaptable skills to prepare them for the next step on their journey.

Everything from our small class sizes and after-school clubs to our Pupil Parliament counts towards our Hidden Curriculum. It’s about teaching children that mistakes are how we learn, that finding things a little challenging but having the courage to carry on helps us to develop.


Harry, Reception: “When we go to the forest we learn how to climb trees safely.”



Above and beyond
Above and beyond

We want our children to look back on their time at Banstead Prep as happy, varied, inspiring and above all exciting. There’s more to a good education than learning.

Our facilities lead the way, allowing all of the children to try something new, embrace the challenge it brings and develop characteristics that aren’t always associated with academic achievement, but are vital lifelong success.

Children from Reception to Year 2 have weekly specialist teaching in Music, PE, swimming, French, Drama and Food Technology (and Art from Year 1), and visit Forest School.

From Year 3 children receive additional sport and our Life Skills curriculum, which includes enterprise, study skills, textiles, food technology, PSHCEE and design technology.

From Year 4, children progress to a fully developed specialist teaching programme, with a subject specialist teacher for every lesson.



We welcome admissions enquiries throughout the year for entry into any year group.

Please contact Mrs Adrienne Forster, Head of Admissions and Marketing on 01737 363600 to discuss your requirements.  You can also email

Visiting the school

Usually, you can visit the school on one of our Open Mornings, and we welcome visitors on most working days for an individual tour.

We’ve had to suspend our normal Open Morning programme and can’t offer personal visits at the moment.  Take a look around via our Virtual Open Day or contact us to arrange a video meeting with Admissions or the Headteacher.

Registering your child for a place

To register your child for a place, please complete our online registration form.

School office

Banstead Preparatory School
Sutton Lane

01737 363601

Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube to learn more about life at Banstead Prep.